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SysMetrix is a skinnable clock and metering application. Its purpose is to provide system metrics in a variety of interesting, useful, and cool ways. It can monitor and report on the hundreds of statistics including:
Optional Statistics | ||||
Date | Time | CPU Usage | User Name | IP Address |
Machine Name | Windows Uptime | Phys. Mem Total | Phys. Mem Used | Phys. Mem Free |
Phys. Mem %Used | Phys. Mem %Free | Swap Mem Total | Swap Mem Used | Swap Mem Free |
Swap Mem %Used | Swap Mem %Free | Virt. Mem Total | Virt. Mem Used | Virt. Mem Free |
Virt. Mem %Used | Virt. Mem %Free | TCP Bytes In | TCP Bytes Out | Tot. TCP In |
Tot. TCP Out | Ave. TCP In | Ave. TCP Out | TCP Bytes Out | Tot. Unread Email |
Tot. Email Size | Rotating Email Stats | Recycle Bin Files | Recycle Bin Size | Drive Vol Label |
Drive Total Space | Drive Free Space | Drive Used Space | Drive %Used | Drive %Free |
Generic Text | Mouse position | Active Window | System Mute state | System Volume |
Microphone Volume | Wave Volume | MIDI Volume | CD Volume | Line Volume |
Pixel color | Media State | Media Artist | Media Track | Media Track # |
Media Track len | Media Track pos | Media Track % | Media Track remain | Media Bitrate |
Media Samplerate | Media Channels | OS Name | OS Build | OS Version Info |
GMT-based Times | Timezone Desc. | CAPS Lock | Num Lock | Scroll Lock |
Number of CPUs | Network Connected | Weather Description | Outside Temperature | Dew Point |
Relative Humidity | Heat Index | Barometric Pressure | Pressure Trend | Wind Speed |
Wind Direction | Wind Chill | Visibility | Registry Value | Power Source |
Battery State | Battery %Used | Battery %Free | Battery Time Used | Battery Time Left |
Battery Time Total | CPU #1 MHz | CPU Description | Wireless Strength | Wireless SSID |
It can display this information in a variety of different ways via the following list of "object" types:
Object | Description |
Analog clock | To display the time in a familar fashion |
Textual | To display statistics as text |
Drawn Histograms | To graphically display a statistic and its history |
Image-based Histograms | To graphically display a statistic and its history in a more flexible format |
Drawn Bargraphs | To graphically display a statistic in bargraph format |
Image-based Bargraphs | To graphically display a statistic in a more flexible bargraph format |
Slider Image | To graphically display a statistic like a volume slider |
Dual-State Images | To graphically represent something's state, like whether you have email |
Multi-State Images | To graphically represent a statistic. The most flexible format of all |
Interactive Buttons | To cause something to happen, like empty the trash, control WinAmp, etc. |
Interactive Sliders | To adjust something, such as the system volume, the song position, etc. |
Animations | To display information such as trash status & cpu usage in an animated way |
Gauges | To display information in an analog gauge format |
Graphics | To render a graphic image below or on top of other controls |
As of Version 2.0, SysMetrix themes support the excellent Motherboard Monitor (MBM5) which is created by Alexander van Kaam. MBM5 is a freeware program that works with hundreds of motherboards and reports on various hardware related items such as temperatures, voltages, fan speeds, etc. You can goto Alexander's site (http://mbm.livewiredev.com) for more information on MBM5. In order for SysMetrix to work with MBM5, you have to install and configure MBM5 on your system. After it's installed and running, SysMetrix should automatically be able to report on all of the information that MBM5 supplies. Most of the sensor values are available for use in various objects, such as Histograms, Bargraphs, MultistateImages, etc. Additionally, the following items are available for textual objects:
Sensor | Parameters |
Temperature Sensors | Name, Value, Minimum, Maximum, Alarm1, Alarm2 |
Voltage Sensors | Name, Value, Minimum, Maximum, Alarm1, Alarm2 |
Fan Sensors | Name, Value, Minimum, Maximum, Alarm1, Alarm2 |
CPU Sensors | Name, Value |
Note: MBM5 hasn't been updated in a long time and doesn't support contemporary motherboards. Therefore, while this feature in SysMetrix is still operational, it's not longer very useful as MBM5 does not work with current hardware. At some point in the future I will look into a replacement for MBM5.
As of Version 3.0, SysMetrix themes support METAR Weather Reports and World Time Zones. The METAR weather will retrieve weather reports from any of over 6,000 airports worldwide on an hourly basis. The Time Zone support allows you to create themes that display the time and date anywhere in the world. Additionally, SysMetrix automatically determines whether the timezone practices Daylight Savings Time (DST), when DST starts and ends for that particular zone, and what the appropriate bias factor is.
Last Updated on Sunday, 14 February 2010 18:49