
SysMetrix is free. This means that if you try it and like it, you're in luck! If you try it and don't like it, you're also in luck because you didn't have to pay anything for it in the first place. It also means that I don't have to feel compelled to provide exhaustive technical support for it since I don't get paid for it. Actually, some of my favorite software is freeware, and I'd like to do my part to help keep that spirit alive and well.

That said, I've put a lot of time and effort into SysMetrix - more than I had ever intended to. While I still believe in the notion of great software being free, I've ended up spending a lot of hours answering emails and a lot of dollars keeping this website up and paying for bandwidth. So, if you're feeling generous and want to make a contribution to the site and inspire future developement of SysMetrix, or just want a way to say thanks, I've added a PayPal donation button below:

Last Updated on Sunday, 14 February 2010 18:50

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